Early Detection Blood Tests

现在有两种基于血液的测试,可以在癌症引起之前可能检测到癌症症状或是diagnosedthrough other methods.

One test –Grail的GalleriTM值测试– can signify the presence of more than 50 types of cancer, includingpancreatic adenocarcinoma胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤。另一个 -Immunovia, Inc.’s IMMray® PanCan-d test- 是有史以来第一个专门针对的血液检查胰腺癌(pancreatic adenocarcinoma), available to people considered高风险对于由于疾病而引起的家史或者genetic alterations

Concerned about your risk?参加Pancan的风险评估测试找出您是否患有胰腺癌的风险增加。

目前均未获得FDA或保险范围的测试,两家公司都在经过认证的实验室中进行测试。这两种测试每次测试的费用约为1,000美元,并且可能提供付款计划。The blood tests do not provide a definitive diagnosis and are not a standalone indicator of the presence of cancer.People who are currently participating in a screening or surveillance study are encouraged to speak to their healthcare team and the study staff to determine whether a blood test may be incorporated into their program.

如果您有兴趣参加Galleri或Immray Pancan-D测试,请与您的医疗团队交谈,以确定测试是否适合您并订购测试。PanCAN Patient Services还可以提供有关这些血液检查的信息和资源,以及其他检测和诊断胰腺癌的方法。

有关Immunovia,Inc。的Immray Pancan-D测试的知识

  1. 该测试不是每个人都可以使用的筛选工具。Only people who are at high risk for developing pancreatic cancer because of a family history or a known genetic mutation associated with pancreatic cancer can be tested with the IMMray PanCan-d test. You’ll need a doctor to order the test for you.
  2. Immray Pancan-D测试测量九个biomarkersin the blood, includingCA19-9生物标志物可以表明癌细胞的存在以及免疫系统对肿瘤的反应。患者会发现他们是否具有可能表明胰腺癌的生物标志物签名,是否没有签名,或者他们的结果被视为“边界”。
  3. 只有在您的身体产生一些CA19-9时,才能进行测试。If the results show that your body does not produce CA19-9, your blood sample will not be able to be tested, and you will not be charged for the test.
  4. The test is requested through your doctor and arrives at your home.在您方便的情况下,训练有素的静脉混血家来收集您的血液样本。在收到血液样本的一周内,Immunovia,Inc。将测试结果发送给您的医生办公室。您的医生会给您结果。
  5. 该测试在除五个州以外的所有州都可用。它尚未在纽约,加利福尼亚,马里兰州,宾夕法尼亚州和罗德岛岛提供。

Things to Know About GRAIL’s Galleri Test

  1. Galleri is a multi-cancer blood test.Galleri can detect the presence of 50 types of cancer based on genetic material (DNA) that gets shed from the cancer cells. Results can also indicate where in your body the cancer may be found (such as the pancreas) based on specific markers on the DNA. The test isn’t meant to screen the general public and needs to be ordered by a medical professional.
  2. Galleri适用于患有癌症风险较高的成年人,例如那50岁及以上。People may also opt for this test if they were born with a genetic alteration that increases their risk of developing several types of cancer, not just one.
  3. The blood collection kit is ordered by your doctor and can be shipped to their office or your home.您的医生将安排您的抽血,并将套件退还给公司,结果将在大约14天内提供。
  4. 截至2021年9月20日,在美国所有州都可以使用Galleri测试

Diagnosing pancreatic cancer in its较早的阶段可以导致更多治疗选择,包括手术和更好的生存。某些风险因素可能crease the likelihood of getting pancreatic cancer, like family history, race (ethnicity), smoking, diabetes, obesity, age and others. Pancreatic cancer may cause only vague unexplained symptoms. Pain (usually in the abdomen or back), weight loss, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and/or eyes) with or without itching, loss of appetite, nausea, change in stool, pancreatitis and recent-onset diabetes are symptoms that may indicate pancreatic cancer. If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, we urge you to speak to your doctor immediately and reference pancreatic cancer.

Pancan正在努力开发早期发现最近被诊断出患有的个人的策略diabetes。A subset of people diagnosed with diabetes after the age of 50, who experience rapid changes in their blood sugar and weight, may have pancreatic cancer. Participants inPancan的早期检测计划将通过参与机构的电子健康记录来确定。参与者的子集将进行成像测试,并提供血液样本以发现未来的生物标志物。

为了实现我们创造一个胰腺癌患者蓬勃发展的世界的愿景,Pancan正在资助和指导研究导致新的,更好的治疗选择并改善早期发现strategies。The new blood tests commercially available to detect cancer early can be an important step toward this goal.

联系Pancan患者服务to learn more about pancreatic cancer risk, testing and other information and resources about detecting, treating and managing pancreatic cancer.

PanCAN does not recommend or endorse any specific physicians, products, tests, services, clinical trials or treatments related to pancreatic cancer.