1.PanCAN PurpleStride地图啊f USA

Register today for PanCAN PurpleStride 2022

PanCAN PurpleStrideis back!

在2022年4月30日星期六,是一个特别的东西的一部分,这是一个特别的潘山普勒斯特里德举行的东西 - 亲自 - 在一个重要的日子,采取措施结束胰腺癌.

Be part of this historic day byregistering now.

Having PanCAN PurpleStride events on the same day is an exciting opportunity to turn the nation purple and strengthen the movement to create more awareness andraise fundsfor research and patient support.

通过潘坎普普勒西列德,您可以采取当地行动,并在全国范围内的影响 - 帮助胰腺癌患者,照顾者,亲人以及受疾病影响的其他人。您的筹款提供免费,个性化,one-on-one support to patientsand families and helps fund theresearchthat will get us to our vision of a world where pancreatic cancer patients thrive.

Purplestide是为每个人的散步 - 即使是那些不居住在驾驶距离内活动的距离。

If you are unable to make it in person, sign up forPanCAN PurpleStride USA, which gives you the opportunity to take steps in your own way, doing what you enjoy from wherever you are.

Register and raise your first $25 by October 6, and as a thank you for your support, we’ll send you a pair of limited‑edition PanCAN PurpleStride shoelaces to wear on event day.

PanCAN PurpleStride shoelaces

But wait – there’s more!

  • Register and raise $50 or more and you’ll receive a PanCAN PurpleStride T-shirt
  • Register and raise $1,000 or more and you’ll become a member of the exclusive PanCAN PurpleStride Grand Club and receive a special gift

In whatever way you choose to participate, register and start fundraising for pancreatic cancer patients today.


Contact a PanCAN Patient Services Case Manager
Take steps to end pancreatic cancer today.注册潘山五折画2022now.