在我53年的生命中,我从来没有生病过。我醒来时发现黄疸,在验血结果显示感染呈阴性后就去了急诊室。我做了一个内窥镜检查,我的医生告诉我,我需要去看一个胰腺外科医生。我被转到纽约一家客流量大的医院我遇到了一位专业的胰腺外科医生,他告诉我我是惠普尔手术的候选人。因为医疗保险的问题,我不能在纽约做手术。我被转介到新泽西州的另一位专家那里。我在2017年1月30日做了手术,2017年1月31日又做了第二次手术。我在医院住了11天,从来没有抱怨过。我有一个非常棒的护理人员网络和强有力的家庭支持。 I went home and waited for the next phase, which was chemotherapy. The process was difficult, but the will of each person striving to live each day inspired me. I am an extremely positive person by nature but was very humbled by this process. My body didn’t react very well, but we were getting great results. I couldn’t stop thinking of the others as I faced each daily challenge. The radiation process was less difficult, and got a little better each day. I went back to work and got back to my life five weeks after my surgery. This saved my life. I chose to live my life instead of feeling sorry for myself during this time. I wanted to show others that everyone can find a positive part of a bad day and situation. Now I am cancer free and so grateful for my unbelievable team of caregivers. We are now a forever family and I will always respect the fraternity of all cancer survivors. I am beyond grateful to have made it to be a survivor. I look forward to helping others during their darkest moment. A positive attitude is a great asset.

