
2016年11月,他被诊断为III期胰腺腺癌,无法通过手术切除。2015年,他被诊断为晚发型2型糖尿病。他减肥,锻炼,吃得更干净。一年后,他已经不是他自己了。然后在2016年9月,他不断告诉他的家庭医生有些不对劲。我们在急诊室进进出出,进行扫描和超声波检查。我们打电话给他,请求他的医生做点什么。数周以来,他一直处于从腹部到背部的极度疼痛之中。10月底,他患上了黄疸病。我们最后做了MRCP。 We were turned away because he was jaundiced, and were told to go to a different hospital. It was a Godsend because we were taken to a different hospital in upstate New York. After undergoing an ERCP, a six-inch stent was placed in his common bile duct.

他们拯救了他在那位医院的生活。他的第一次化疗是不同毒品的组合,使他非常非常病!然而,我们的结果很好,他的CA-19-9肿瘤制造商在九个治疗后急剧下降。我们不得不将化疗改变为不同的组合,因为他对第一个反应不好。他从未休息过治疗。他经历了几种扫描,表明没有新的增长,也没有肿瘤。截至2017年12月,他的肿瘤数开始增加,但仍然没有增长。他的糖尿病爆发了,他必须从胰岛素射击开始;他的内分泌学家推荐了一个泵。我们每天才能。 We count our blessings and enjoy the small things. We’ve climbed several mountains, and weathered the storms. He’s angry, scared, and just wants to live his life before all this. I believe you have to have some quality of life. Now, that’s what we focus on every day. A support system is absolutely necessary. Without our Family, Friends and our Faith, I truly believe things could’ve been much different.
