The PBS documentary,Cancer: Emperor of All Maladies,刺激了有关癌症,其起源和历史的全国性对话,并激发人们期待癌症研究中最有希望的时光,因为我们的国家有望取得重大进展。

This is indeed true for pancreatic cancer – it’s a hopeful time for all of us at the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network as we work toward our goal to double pancreatic cancer survival by 2020.

我们可以在这场战斗中取得进步,因为自胰腺癌行动网络成立以来,在过去的16年中,科学的景观和研究资源已大大提高。当组织刚开始时,您可以指望两只手研究这种疾病的科学家人数。迄今为止,我们已经向美国机构的杰出科学家资助了超过2300万美元的研究赠款。虽然联邦资金仍然是一个挑战,但却有所改善。1999年,美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)为胰腺癌研究分配了1700万美元,2013年的最新数据表明,超过1.01亿美元用于该疾病。

现在,我们更多地了解胰腺癌的基本生物学,该领域正在磨练高优先研究领域,包括:早期发现,免疫疗法,糖尿病与胰腺癌之间的联系以及靶向疗法。现在,从实验室研究中获得的生物学知识已准备好将其转化为改进的临床选择。此外,胰腺癌动作网络最近发起了自己的个性化医学服务计划知道你的肿瘤where results of molecular profiling tests provide targeted treatment options, including relevant clinical trials, that could assist the treating oncologist in more precise and personalized treatment planning. There are several other ground-breaking initiatives that the organization will be announcing this year to help us achieve our 2020 goal and improve outcomes for pancreatic cancer patients.

We are proud to bring together the research community – scientists, government, and industry – to share information and resources and to form collaborations. Together, we will ensure progress is made to improve survival for pancreatic cancer patients. Learn how you canWage Hopewith us.

Lynn M. Matrisian, PhD, MBA, is Vice President of Scientific & Medical Affairs for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network